Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007
We’ve made it through security and are waiting for our flight to Charlotte. Got some sandwiches at the airport that were bad (the lettuce was black) and way too expensive.
It’s good to have Eric with us.
The airport seems crowded and chaotic to me – tense – but maybe it’s just me and the excitement of leaving. I haven’t flown in over 2 years.
There is something about “flying away” that is appealing – leaving our life and routine and problems behind and going somewhere else for awhile.
Lufthansa Flight from Charlotte to Munich
At both the Palm Beach and Charlotte airports I saw African Americans with shoe shine businesses. They were jiving and shining the shoes of large white American men. I hope that they are making a lot of money.
The Lufthansa flight to Munich is decidedly cleaner, roomier and more comfortable than the US Airways flight from Palm Beach to Charlotte. I am feeling much less harried.
Our flight captain announced that we would be flying over Montreal, Goose Bay, Greenland, Iceland, then down the Norwegian coast, across Hamburg and then into Munich. I love these northern lands, and feel safer knowing that I am above them.
I listened to some podcasts and music on my ipod, read an article in the New Yorker about the Pope and Islam, and did some sudoku puzzles. Nice not to have a computer along.
The Euro-news that was running on the plane TV showed extensive film footage of Guantanamo that I had never seen before. Then a little robotic character demonstrated some in-seat yoga. (I think I was the only one doing it.) They passed out hot towels before dinner, the wine was free, and 2 movies were shown, neither of which interested me.
The northern sky lightened as we crossed the Norwegian Sea.
I lost an earring and the temperature outside the plane was -70 degrees C.
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